The API allows you to send messages through your projects and services over HTTP/HTTPS, SMTP and SMPP protocols. Ready-made libraries in different programming languages connect to your project and help you send messages from anywhere with a single command. For simplified authorization, instead of a login and password pair, you can use a special API key.
To request a balance, use the address:<login>&psw=<password>
The following parameters are passed to the server:
The value
Customer Login.
Client Password (you can add or change it on this page).
A special API key used for simplified authorization instead of the "login+password" pair (you can create it on this page).
Flag indicating whether the Client's currency name should be added to the server response.
Server response format:
0 or 1 – (default) as a string (250.80).
2 – in xml format.
3 – in json format.
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