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The API allows you to send messages through your projects and services over HTTP/HTTPS, SMTP and SMPP protocols. Ready-made libraries in different programming languages connect to your project and help you send messages from anywhere with a single command. For simplified authorization, instead of a login and password pair, you can use a special API key.
MESSAGES SENDING Sending an SMS message MANAGING MAILING LISTSComments in SMS messages Sending to a group of numbers Sending an HLR request Sending an e-mail message Sending a voice message (call) Sending a viber message Sending a message to Telegram ![]() Using prefixes when sending messages Managing message templates Managing operator templates Virtual sending (test mode) Event Notifications MESSAGE STATUSES Checking the status CHECKING THE BALANCE STATUSMessage statuses. Server response and error codes Status codes Error codes in the status Deleting a message MANAGING CONTACTS Actions with contacts and groups CLIENT MANAGEMENTContacts and groups. Server response and error codes Examples of operations with contacts Work with the subclient MANAGING SENDER NAMES (SENDER ID)Creating and uploading invoices and reports List of available operations with sender names GETTING DATAServer response and error codes Examples of actions with sender names Getting the history of sent messages VARIOUSReceiving incoming messages Getting statistics Request for rates Getting information about the operator Getting data about a short link | Sending a message to the Telegram chatbotTo send a message to the Telegram chatbot, you need to call the GET or POST address method:
https://smscentre.com/sys/send.php?login=<login>&psw=<password>&phones=<phones>&mes=<message>&bot=<@botname_bot> Examples of sending messages to the Telegram chatbotExamples:Sending a message with the text "Hello" to the number "79999999999" in the telegram bot "@mybot_bot": https://smscentre.com/sys/send.php?login=alex&psw=123&phones=79999999999&mes=Hello&bot=@mybot_bot Sending a message with the text "Hello" by the nickname "alex_nick" to the telegram bot "@mybot_bot": https://smscentre.com/sys/send.php?login=alex&psw=123&phones=@alex_nick&mes=Hello&bot=@mybot_bot Sending a message with the text "Hi" by ID 1122334455 to the telegram bot "@mybot_bot": https://smscentre.com/sys/send.php?login=alex&psw=123&phones=#1122334455&mes=Hi&bot=@mybot_bot Sending a message with the text "Hello" to the number "79999999999" in the telegram bot "@mybot_bot" with an indication in the smsreq parameter of the number of days after which it will be necessary to confirm the phone number with an SMS code: https://smscentre.com/sys/send.php?login=alex&psw=123&phones=79999999999&mes=Privet&bot=@mybot_bot&smsreq=25 |