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Integration with the service (API)

The API allows you to send messages through your projects and services over HTTP/HTTPS, SMTP and SMPP protocols. Ready-made libraries in different programming languages connect to your project and help you send messages from anywhere with a single command. For simplified authorization, instead of a login and password pair, you can use a special API key.

HTTP/HTTPS SMTP SMPP SOAP OMS SMS Commands Libraries and code examples










Sending a viber message

To send a viber message, you must call the GET or POST address method:<login>&psw=<password>&phones=<phones>&mes=<message>&viber=1

File Transfer

Sending an image, document file, or video in a message is possible in one of the following ways:
  • â âèäå ïîëíîãî http(s)-àäðåñà âíåøíåãî ôàéëà, óêàçàííîãî â òåêñòå ñîîáùåíèÿ, â ôîðìàòå <file http(s)://...> (only for images and document files);
  • by the POST method in the body of the http(s) request to the server. With this method of sending, the attached files must be designated in the message text in a special way in the form of "<file n>", where n is the file number in the generated list starting from one;
  • by adding a special additional fileurl parameter to http(s), containing the full http(s) address of the transmitted external file. When using fileurl, passing the mes parameter in the request is optional;
  • when sending from your personal account or via the API, insert the full http(s) link of the previously downloaded file into the message text, which can be found in your personal account on the sending page by clicking sequentially "attach file" – "Downloaded files".
The attached file must not exceed 1 MB in size (for API) or 10 MB (for personal account) and satisfy one of the following formats:
  • jpg, jpeg, gif, png – for pictures;
  • doc, docx, rtf, dotx, dot, odf, fodt, odt, txt, info, pdf, xps, eps, pdax, xlsx, xlsm, fods, ods, csv, xltx – for document files;
  • 3gp, m4v, mov, mp4 – for the video.

Adding a button

To insert a button in the message, when you click on it, you will open the browser and go to the specified address, you need to add a special macro {button,url,text} to the message text, where:
<button> – macro name.
<url> – full http address of the link that will be clicked when the button is clicked.
<text> – the text of the button. The length of the text can not exceed 30 characters.

To insert a button into the message, when you click on it, the subscriber will be called to the specified phone number, you need to add a special macro to the message text {button, tel:79999999999, text}.

Message types

The system supports the following types of viber messages:
  • Text only – the subscriber receives a text message.
  • Picture only – the subscriber receives the picture.
  • Text+ button – the subscriber receives a text message, under which the button is located. When you click on the button, you click on the specified link.
  • Text + button + picture – the subscriber receives a text message, under which the picture and the button are located. When you click on the button, you click on the specified link.
  • Only a file – a file of one of the supported formats is transmitted to the subscriber.
  • Picture +video – the subscriber receives a video file, the screensaver of which is the transmitted picture.
  • Text+picture+video – the subscriber receives a video file with a splash picture and the specified text.
  • Text+picture+video+button – the subscriber receives a video file with a splash picture, the specified text and a button. When you click on the button, you click on the specified link.
To configure the software and test sending viber messages, you can use our common sender name "SMSC" and predefined templates:
  • Hello! This is test message
  • Hello! This is a test message
  • Test
  • Test
  • Test {button,,site}
  • Test {button,, site}
  • Picture <file>
  • Image <file>
As in the templates for operators, the general rules for creating messages for the specified templates apply here (at the bottom of the page, the drop-down tab "Template registration rules").

Examples of sending viber messages


Sending a viber message with the text " Hello":
Sending a viber message using one of the predefined templates for testing with the text "Test", the button "{button,, Site} "and the image previously uploaded in your personal account and having the address"":
Sending a viber message using one of the predefined templates for testing with the text "test", the button "{button,, Site} "and the image located on the external resource"":
Sending a viber message using one of the predefined test templates with the text "test", the button "{button,,Site}" and the picture "" passed through the fileurl parameter:
Sending a viber message with the text "Video and button", the button "{button,,smsc button}", the picture "" and the video "":