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Integration with the service (API)

The API allows you to send messages through your projects and services over HTTP/HTTPS, SMTP and SMPP protocols. Ready-made libraries in different programming languages connect to your project and help you send messages from anywhere with a single command. For simplified authorization, instead of a login and password pair, you can use a special API key.

HTTP/HTTPS SMTP SMPP SOAP OMS SMS Commands Libraries and code examples










Using the voice menu (IVR)

To use the voice menu, you must send a text or voice file with the initial instructions for the subscriber at the beginning of the message text and then specify a macro containing the service menu commands {menu: <...>}, where <...> description of the voice menu options.

Schematically, the message using the voice menu looks like this:

{menu: [ТЕКСТ МЕНЮ]


After picking up the phone, the subscriber is given the "START TEXT", then the "MENU TEXT" is played with a description of the menu items and acceptable actions. After pressing the key on the numeric keypad of the phone corresponding to the desired item, the subscriber can be voiced the text "TEXT" or perform one or more consecutive "COMMANDS". After exiting the menu, the "END TEXT" is voiced".

Description of the parameters used in the {menu} macro: <...>}:

OptionThe value
*: backReturn to the previous menu.
#: startReturn to the beginning of the menu and repeat the " MENU TEXT".
0: repeatRepeat the selected item.
n: msgThe menu item that the subscriber enters when pressing the nkey, where n is the number of the menu item, which can take values from 1 to 9, msg is a message or command. Menu items can be duplicated one by one to perform multiple actions when a single key is pressed.
nm: msgSub-item m of the menu item n, which the subscriber enters when pressing the mkey . It can take values from 1 to 9. msg-message or command. Menu items can be duplicated one by one to perform multiple actions when you press a single key. The nesting of sub-items is limited only by the size of the entire message (1000 characters).

In paragraphs and sub-paragraphs, you can use the following commands:

TeamThe value
urlThe http(s) address of the Client's handler, to which information about the current item and the time of the subscriber's stay in the menu will be transmitted.
call:phone wait=n ok:end err:n recordRedirects the caller's call to the specified phone number, where the required parameter is phone-phone number or a comma-separated list of phone numbers. You can specify up to 9 numbers. The numbers to which the subscriber's call will be redirected must be registered on this page.
Optional parameters are:
wait=n – the waiting time for the caller to pick up the phone, where n is the waiting time in seconds. The range of possible parameter values is from 0 to 120. By default, the waiting time for the subscriber to pick up the phone is 120 seconds.
ok:end – after successfully connecting to the specified number and ending the dialog, end the voice menu.
err:n – if you can't reach the specified number, then go to the step or label ndescribed in the menu body. The label can take the value of any set of Latin letters and numbers.
record – after a successful connection with the specified number, record the conversation. The recording time for one call is limited to a maximum of 30 minutes. Also, the connection and recording is interrupted after 30 seconds of silence on the part of the subscribers. This parameter is specified last. The link to the recording is displayed in the message history under the text of the voice menu.
sms:phone,sender,msgSending an SMS message to the specified phone number, where phone is the phone number, sender is the sender's name, and msg is the message text. As a phone number, as well as in the message text, a special variable $phone can be specified, which, when sent, will be replaced with the phone number of the subscriber who received this voice menu..
record: nRecording of a fragment of the subscriber's voice response, which will be performed from the moment of activation until the end of the command, where n is the time for recording in seconds. By default (without explicitly specifying the time), recording is limited to 30 seconds. Also, the recording is interrupted after 10 seconds of silence on the part of the subscriber.
endIndicates whether to exit the voice menu. After exiting, the "END TEXT" will be read".

= ',79999999998&call=1&charset=utf-8&mes=';

$msg = 'Здравствуйте!

{menu: Нажмите 1 для первого пункта, 2 для второго пункта, 3 для отправки заявки на обратный звонок, 5 для связи с оператором, решетка для перехода в начало, 0 для повтора, для возврата в предыдущее меню нажмите звёздочку.
*: back
#: start
0: repeat
1: пункт 1, нажмите 1 для подпункта 1, 2 для подпункта 2, 3 для подпункта 3
11: подпункт 1.1
12: подпункт 1.2
13: подпункт 1.3
2: пункт 2, нажмите 1 для подпункта 2.1
21: подпункт 2.1
3: sms:79999999999,Sender,текст
3: end
4: sms:$phone,Sender,Ваш номер: $phone
4: end
5: url
5: call:79999999999,79999999998 wait=10 ok:end err:6
6: call:79999999997 wait=60 ok:end err:callerr record
7: Сейчас начнется запись до 10 секунд
7: record: 10
7: Конец записи
err: неверный номер, нажмите 0 для повтора
callerr: Извините, не удалось дозвониться до оператора, выберите другой пункт или повторите попытку позже}

Всего вам доброго!'
