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Integration with the service (API)

The API allows you to send messages through your projects and services over HTTP/HTTPS, SMTP and SMPP protocols. Ready-made libraries in different programming languages connect to your project and help you send messages from anywhere with a single command. For simplified authorization, instead of a login and password pair, you can use a special API key.

HTTP/HTTPS SMTP SMPP SOAP OMS SMS Commands Libraries and code examples










Managing sender names (Sender ID)

List of available operations with sender names

To manage the names of senders, you must call the appropriate address using the GET or POST method, specifying the required command and parameters.

To get a list of senders ' names registered in your personal account and approved by the moderator:<login>&psw=<password>
To add a new sender name:<login>&psw=<password>&sender=<sender>&cmt=<cmt>
To change the sender's name:<login>&psw=<password>&sender=<sender>&cmt=<cmt> or<login>&psw=<password>&id=<id>&cmt=<cmt>
Sending a confirmation code for the sender's digital name:<login>&psw=<password>&sender=<sender>
Confirmation of the sender's digital name:<login>&psw=<password>&sender=<sender>&code=<code>
To delete the sender's name:<login>&psw=<password>&sender=<sender> or<login>&psw=<password>&id=<id>
When adding or changing the sender's name in the request body, you can transfer a document file for operators (trademark certificate, domain certificate) in jpg, tif, pdf, png, zip, rar format. The maximum size of the transferred file should not exceed 3 MB. A comment on the document can be specified in the additional doc_info parameter.

Description of parameters

Description of the parameters passed to the Server:

OptionThe value
loginCustomer Login.
pswClient Password (you can add or change it on this page).
apikeyA special API key used for simplified authorization instead of the "login+password" pair (you can create it on this page).
all0 (default) - get a list of activated sender names.
1 – get a complete list of sender names.
senderThe sender name that is being created or deleted.
mts_step1 – register a paid name with the MTS operator.
sber_step1 – register a free name with a Sberbank Mobile operator.
tele21 – register a name with the Tele2 operator at the tariff with free names.
motiv1 – register a name with the MOTIF operator according to the tariff with free names.
mega_step1 – register a paid name with the Megafon operator.
bee_step1 – register a paid name with the Beeline operator.
motiv_step1 – register a paid name with the MOTIV operator.
winmob_step1 – register a paid name with the Win-Mobile operator.
volnamob_step1 – register a paid name with the Wave mobile operator.
tele2_step1 – register a paid name with a Tele2 operator.
ua_reg1 – to register a name for Ukraine at a reduced rate of national traffic.
For this tariff, you must additionally pass the following parameters:
fio – Legal name of the organization (LLC/SPD).
site – Website address or link to a social network.
email – E-mail for communication.
address – Actual address.
desc – Description of the services provided by the sender.
subj – Subject (purpose of informing).
ua_int1 – register a name for Ukraine at a higher rate for international traffic. To register, you also need to additionally pass the fields described above for the ua_reg parameter.
by_reg1 – register a name for Belarus for a reduced national traffic tariff.
For this tariff, you must additionally pass the following parameters:
by_fio – Company Name.
by_inn – UNP / INN.
by_address – Company address.
by_ocup is the field of activity (options can be specified on this page). Numbering from 1 to 19.
by_type – The type of mailing list (options can be specified on this page). Numbering from 1 to 3.
by_mes – Sample message.
by_site – Site address.
by_int1 – register a name for Belarus at a higher rate for international traffic. To register, you also need to additionally pass the fields described above for the by_reg parameter.
idID of the sender's name, assigned by the Server automatically when creating a new name.
cmtComment specified when creating the sender name.
mail1 – add the sender's e-mail address.
nameA comment related to the mail parameter (usually the name of the owner of the e-mail address).
codeCode for confirming the sender's digital name.
siteThe address of the site from which the codes will be sent to confirm the digital names of the senders. This parameter must have been previously added and activated as Sender ID. If omitted, messages will be sent as the sender by default.
site_nameThe site address specified in the text of the message with the confirmation code.
userThe user ID of the subclient to which you apply the specified command.
operators1 – add the status code of the sender's name from the operator to the response.
from_dateSelect the names of senders starting from the specified date, for which the name status of any of the operators has been changed. When this parameter is specified, the names are sorted in descending order of the date when the name statuses were changed. DD.MM.YYYY format.
prev_idA unique identifier of the sender's name that is assigned by the Server automatically when the name is created. Used to request a list of names created before the name with the specified ID.
cntThe number of sender names returned when requesting a list of names. The maximum value is 15000.
doc_infoIf a document file for operators is passed in the request body when creating or changing the sender's name, then you can specify a description for the passed file in this parameter.
charsetEncoding of transmitted parameters.
files1 – return in the server response for the get command an array of files containing information about attached document files for operators. This parameter is relevant only for fmt=2 or fmt=3 formats.
The array includes the following fields:
file – File name.
fid – ID of the file in the system.
fstatus – File status (0 - under review, 1 - rejected, 2 - approved).
fcomment – Administrator's comment.

Server response and error codes

If an error occurs, the Server returns the following string:
  • ERROR = N (description)

  • When fmt = 1:

  • When fmt = 2:

  • When fmt = 3:
    "error": "description",
    "error_code": N
N – error number, can take the following values:

The valueDescription
1Error in parameters.
2Invalid username or password. Also occurs when trying to send a message from an IP address that is not included in the list of allowed by the Client (if such a list was previously configured by the Client).
3Sender name not found.
4The IP address is temporarily blocked.
5Error saving or deleting the sender's name.
7Invalid number format.
8The confirmation code cannot be delivered to the specified number.
9Attempt to send more than three identical requests to get a list of available sender names or five requests to create a new sender name within a minute.
This error also occurs when you try to send fifteen or more requests simultaneously from different connections under the same username (too many concurrent requests).
10The code has already been sent to the specified number. Retry is possible after 8 hours.
11Invalid confirmation code.

If the request is successful, the Server returns a response in the form of a string.

When requesting a list of sender names:
  • with fmt = 0 and all = 0:
    name = <sender>, id = <id>

  • with fmt = 1 and all = 0:

  • with fmt = 2 and all = 0:
    <sender id="<id>">sender</sender>

  • with fmt = 3 and all = 0:
    "sender": "<sender>",
    "id": <id>

  • with fmt = 0 and all = 1:
    name = <sender>, status = <status>, id = <id>

  • with fmt = 1 and all = 1:

  • with fmt = 2 and all = 1:
    <sender status="<status>" id="<id>">sender</sender>

  • with fmt = 3 and all = 1:
    "sender": "<sender>",
    "status": <status>,
    "id": <id>

  • with fmt = 0 and operators = 1:
    name = <sender>, mega_step = <mega_step_status>, bee_step = <bee_step_status>, motiv_step = <motiv_step_status>, sber_step = <sber_step_status>, winmob_step = <winmob_step>, volnamob_step = <volnamob_step>, mts_step = <mts_step_status>, tele2_step = <tele2_step_status>, tele2 = <tele2_status>, ua_reg = <ua_reg_status>, ua_int = <ua_int_status>, mega_int = <mega_int_status>, motiv_int = <motiv_int_status>, mts_int = <mts_int_status>, motiv = <motiv_status>, by_reg = <by_reg_status>, by_int = <by_int_status>, tele2_int = <tele2_int_status>, sber_int = <sber_int_status>, id = <id>

  • with fmt = 2 and operators = 1:
    <sender mega_step="<mega_step_status>" bee_step="<bee_step_status>" motiv_step="<motiv_step_status>" sber_step="<sber_step_status>" winmob_step="<winmob_step_status>" volnamob_step="<volnamob_step_status>" mts_step="<mts_step_status>" tele2_step="<tele2_step_status>" tele2="<tele2_status>" ua_reg="<ua_reg_status>" ua_int="<ua_int_status>" mega_int="<mega_int_status>" motiv_int="<motiv_int_status>" mts_int="<mts_int_status>" motiv="<motiv_status>" by_reg="<by_reg_status>" by_int="<by_int_status>" tele2_int="<tele2_int_status>" sber_int="<sber_int_status>" id="<id>">sender</sender>

  • with fmt = 3 and operators = 1:
    "sender": "<sender>",
    "mega_step": "<mega_step_status>",
    "mega_int": "<mega_int_status>",
    "bee_step": "<bee_step_status>",
    "motiv": "<motiv_status>",
    "motiv_step": "<motiv_step_status>",
    "motiv_int": "<motiv_int_status>",
    "sber_step": "<sber_step_status>",
    "sber_int": "<sber_int_status>",
    "winmob_step": "<winmob_step_status>",
    "volnamob_step": "<volnamob_step_status>",
    "mts_step": "<mts_step_status>",
    "mts_int": "<mts_int_status>",
    "tele2_step": "<tele2_step_status>",
    "tele2": "<tele2_status>",
    "tele2_int": "<tele2_int_status>",
    "ua_reg": "<ua_reg_status>",
    "ua_int": "<ua_int_status>",
    "by_reg": "<by_reg_status>",
    "by_int": "<by_int_status>",
    "id": "<id>"

<sender> – registered and approved sender name.
<mega_step_status>, <mega_int_status>, <bee_step_status>, <motiv_status>, <motiv_step_status>, <motiv_int_status>, <sber_step_status>, <sber_int_status>, <winmob_step_status>, <volnamob_step_status>, <mts_step_status>, <mts_int_status>, <tele2_step_status>, <tele2_status>, <tele2_int_status>, <ua_reg_status>, <ua_int_status>, <by_reg_status>, <by_int_status> – the status code of the sender's name from the corresponding operator (0 - pending registration, 1 - sent for registration, 2 - allowed by the operator, 3 - not accepted by the operator, 4 - temporarily disabled, 5 - insufficient funds in the account, 8 - supporting documents are required, 9 - activation from the beginning of the month), 255 - allowed, but marked for de-registration).
<status> – sender Name status (0-waiting for moderation, 1-allowed to use, 2-disabled).
<id> – unique identifier of the sender's name (assigned by the Server automatically when creating a name).

If the sender's name has a replacement analog for any operator, then with operators = 1 and fmt = 0,2,3, this replacement will be additionally included in the server response.

When adding a new sender name:
  • when fmt = 0: ID = <id>

  • when fmt = 1: <id>

  • when fmt = 2:

  • when fmt = 3:
    "sender": <id>

<id> – the sender name ID assigned by the Server automatically.

When changing the sender's name, sending the code, confirming and deleting the sender's name:
  • when fmt = 0, 1: OK

  • when fmt = 2:

  • when fmt = 3:
    "result": "OK"

Examples of actions with sender names


Getting a list of sender names:
Adding a new sender name:
Sending a confirmation code for the sender's digital name:
Sending confirmation code to the digital sender name for subclient "subalex" on behalf of "":
Confirmation of the sender's digital name:
Deleting the sender's name:

The server does not accept more than three identical requests within a minute to get a list of available sender names and five requests to create a new sender name to reduce the load and protect against errors and loops in the Client-side program.