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Integration with the service (API)

The API allows you to send messages through your projects and services over HTTP/HTTPS, SMTP and SMPP protocols. Ready-made libraries in different programming languages connect to your project and help you send messages from anywhere with a single command. For simplified authorization, instead of a login and password pair, you can use a special API key.

HTTP/HTTPS SMTP SMPP SOAP OMS SMS Commands Libraries and code examples

Checking the status

To check the SMS delivery status, use the get_status and get_status2 methods.
In the get_status2 method, you can add additional parameters.

$client = new SoapClient ('');
$ret = $client->get_status(array('login'=>'alex', 'psw'=>'123', 'phone'=>'79999999999', 'id'=>'999', 'all'=>'0'));

The following parameters are passed to the server:

OptionThe value
loginCustomer Login.
pswClient Password (you can add or change it on this page).
apikeyA special API key used for simplified authorization instead of the "login+password" pair (you can create it on this page).
phonePhone number.
idMessage ID.
all0 – (by default) get the status of the message in the usual format.
1 – get full information about the sent message.
2 – add information about the operator and the subscriber's region to the message information.
queryA string of additional parameters (only in get_status2) passed in the format: 'parameter_1=value_1&parameter_2=value_2'.

Returned parameters:

OptionThe value
statusStatus Code (list).
last_dateThe date of the last status change. Format DD.MM.YYYY hh: mm: ss.
errError code if the message cannot be delivered (list).
errorError code if the status cannot be requested.
all = 1
send_dateDate the message was sent (format DD.MM.YYYY hh: mm: ss).
phoneSubscriber's phone number.
costMessage cost.
sender_idSender ID.
status_nameStatus name.
messageThe text of the message.
sms_cntNumber of parts in an SMS message (or seconds in a voice message).
all = 2
operatorThe name of the operator of the subscriber.
regionRegion of registration of the subscriber number.

The error codecan take the following values:

The valueDescription
1Error in parameters.
2Invalid username or password. Also occurs when trying to send a message from an IP address that is not included in the list of allowed by the Client (if such a list was previously configured by the Client).
3Message not found.
4The IP address is temporarily blocked.
9Attempt to send more than five status requests for the same message within a minute.

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