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FAQ • Why some other services may offer prices lower than yours

The price difference between different companies is due to the quality of channels, more stable ones usually go directly through operators and such ones are more expensive, since operators give good discounts only with very high traffic. And lower prices can be obtained from large intermediaries (the same services as ours), so many small companies connect to such intermediaries and in order to quickly recruit customers, they make prices with a small margin, without caring about the quality of service, and when sending messages through such services in the chain in front of the operator, 2 is obtained or a 3 intermediary, which affects the quality of message delivery and channel stability.

But we can always make the conditions no worse than other companies. Just write to us if you find the cost lower, and we will consider the possibility of setting the same tariff. We always try to make concessions, because every customer is important to us.

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