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FAQ • What is the difference between a dedicated virtual number and a SIM card hosting

The speed of receiving messages to a virtual number is higher than on a SIM card. When connecting a SIM card, you can select the telecom operator to which it belongs, while it is possible to set a number with the operator of your region in order for subscribers to receive messages sent to this number cheaper. To connect, you can provide us with your SIM card or use one issued to our company. The SIM card is placed in our equipment, which allows you to quickly solve any problems related to its operation. When using the client's SIM card, incoming messages can be received from any sender names, including letter names from various Internet services, but if the SIM card is issued to our company, then messages can only be received from subscribers, letter names are closed. All restrictions on receiving messages are lifted on the client's SIM card.

In addition to receiving SMS messages on the SIM card, it is also possible to receive calls from subscribers, which in the system look like regular incoming messages with the text [CALL]. Each call after reading the caller's number will be immediately reset and will not consume subscribers' funds, unlike SMS. In addition, when using a SIM card, you can set up forwarding incoming calls to any other number.

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