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FAQ • How to enter into a direct contract with the operator " Megafon»

According to the new rules described in the news about the change of working conditions for the operator "Megafon", now to be able to send messages to the network of this operator, it is necessary to conclude a direct contract with it, which can be done through our company, which is an agent of the operator"Megafon". Our head office with developers and technical support is located in Novosibirsk, so we connect to the operator through its Novosibirsk branch, which allows us to quickly solve organizational and technical issues, and this does not create any inconvenience for customers from other regions, since the Megafon operator does not link customers to any city and serves them equally throughout Russia. All our clients can continue to work and enter into new contracts with any of our branches (Moscow, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg), as before. You can pick up the reporting documents from the operator at their nearest corporate office, receive them by mail, or we can pick them up from the operator and send them to you by courier.

To enter into a contract with the Megafon operator, you must meet the following requirements::

  1. Read the terms of connection of subscribers by the operator "Megafon" and the offer for the service "Mobile information".

  2. Upload in your personal account under "Contracts and documents" necessary documents for concluding a contract with the operator (copies in electronic form):

    • Charter of the organization.
    • Certificate of registration (REG. NUMBER).
    • Certificate of registration in a tax authority (INN).
    • Decision on the appointment of the head.
    • The passport of the Manager or the certificate of passport data of the head on letterhead paper with blue print.
    • The power of attorney is in the act of signing (if a contract is not signed by the head).

  3. Fill in the details of the organization in "Settings", section "company Details".

  4. Download the template of the contract with the operator (example), fill in, sign, upload a scanned copy of it on the documents page in your personal account.

  5. Fill out, sign, and upload an application for connecting senders ' names (example).

  6. After connecting and testing, send the original documents to any of our offices by mail or by courier.

All documents in one archive

Scans of documents can also be sent to our email address, and our managers will upload them to your account, but this can create additional delay in the connection, we recommend you to do it yourself.

You do not need to go to the Megafon office on your own. If you have any questions, please contact us.


Settlements with the operator take place according to the advance scheme, so you need to top up the balance on the operator's personal account in advance, which can be seen on the personal accounts page in our service. It also shows the phone number linked to the personal account, to which you can also transfer money, as to a regular mobile number, using various payment methods. By default, all customers have a credit in the amount of 10 000 rubles, which will allow you to work without the first payment for a while, but if you have a large volume of mailings, then you need to make the payment as soon as possible.

Non-cash payments to be executed on the following Bank details:

Recipient: Siberian branch of OJSC MegaFon»
INN: 7812014560
RRC: 540643001
p/s: 40702810844020003242
Bank: Siberian Bank of Sberbank of Russia Novosibirsk
BIC: 045004641
K/s: 30101810500000000641
Purpose of payment: Transfer to the personal account No. ...

For those who need an invoice for payment, you can send an email to one of the addresses: (main) (backup)

You can also send requests for an invoice statement to our support service or set up an automatic request for invoices to be paid at the end of the balance.

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