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FAQ • Why did the SMS get the status "Forbidden", but after a few seconds the status changed and the SMS was sent

All messages are checked by automatic spam filters and special algorithms before being sent. When suspicious words or phrases are found in the message text, it is manually checked by our moderators (other non-prohibited customer messages are not available to moderators due to the privacy conditions). If, in the opinion of the moderator, a false blocking was triggered, the SMS is sent further to the subscriber and in this case, on the History page, the status of the prohibited message will also be changed to a different one from the prohibited one. The moderation of banned messages takes place in real time and usually takes no more than one minute. Further, after at least one check, such messages are sent directly to the operator and do not get moderated.

Signing a contract with our company also reduces the probability of false triggering of filters and blocking SMS, as the list of suspicious words and phrases that are used for verification is reduced.

If the status of your message remains "Forbidden", but in your opinion the message has nothing forbidden to send, then you can contact us in ONLINE support-specialists will consider your sms in more detail.
The money for prohibited messages is returned to the client's balance at the beginning of the next hour, but not earlier than an hour later.

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