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FAQ • How to find out the order of digits (DTMF) that the caller pressed during the call

In the settings of your personal account, in the "URL for responses and statuses" field, specify the address of the handler that will be called when receiving the final status of any message or call, and also set the "Forward statuses to URL" option. If a sequence of digits was pressed by the subscriber while listening to the voice message, it will be passed to the Client handler in the additional dtmf parameter.
The received information can be filtered on the client side, for example, to identify subscribers who were interested in receiving your voice mail and pressed a certain key.
To receive feedback from subscribers (in the form of DTMF), you need to voice a call to action and a description of the key values, for example:
"To get in touch with our manager, press 1».

In the personal account, in the list of sent calls on the history page, the subscriber's response is automatically displayed in a comment under the Message field, which is visible only to the client.

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