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FAQ • Why do I send one message, but the amount is deducted from the account as for two

One long message can be divided into several SMS messages, for each of which a separate fee is charged. One SMS can contain 70 characters with non-Latin letters (for example, in Russian) or 160 characters with only Latin letters. To transmit a longer message, it is divided into several SMS messages, and a special header (UDH) is added to each SMS, allowing the phone to combine the received parts into one long message, and the maximum length of each SMS in this case becomes 67 characters for non-Latin and 153 for Latin letters. Some of the characters, such as"#`", are not Latin, so messages containing such characters are encoded as messages with non-Latin characters. There are also some special characters that are always used for encoding 2 characters — this is «{}[]^~\|€». You can always check the cost of mailing in your personal account on the sending page by clicking the "Recalculate" link.».

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