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FAQ • Why my message was not sent and has the status " Forbidden»

All sent messages are checked using automatic filters.
If the message contains prohibited words or phrases, the message is not sent and receives the status "Prohibited". The money is not withdrawn in this case.

Messages are checked for the presence of advertising (spam), for the content of obscene expressions and insults, for calls to send sms and for some other prohibited texts.

In addition, the sender's name is checked in the messages (Sender ID).
It is forbidden to specify as the sender short paid numbers, the number of the recipient of messages, as well as the names of operators, other people's Internet resources, companies and government organizations.

Also, the message gets the "Forbidden" status when trying to send from an unregistered sender name. You can add a new sender name in your personal account on this page. You can use the names after checking by a moderator.

If you zapatillas normal message, contact support and we will process this case either disable the filter for you.

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