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FAQ • Why does the "IP address blocked" error return when making API requests?»

If 5 authorization errors occurred during 30 minutes when calling the API scripts, the IP address is blocked for 30 minutes to protect against password guessing. This blocking does not work if the IP address from which the request is made is registered in the settings in the list of allowed addresses..

If there were 100 erroneous SMS requests in a row for 10 minutes, for example, when sending an SMS to an incorrect phone number or with a forbidden text, then the IP address is also blocked for 10 minutes to reduce the load from frequent incorrect requests. .

In addition, this error may occur due to frequent requests of the same type within 1 minutes, for example, when sending the same message to the same phone number or when checking the status of the same sent message frequently.

In all cases, the error " ERROR = 4 (ip is blocked)».

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