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Free in Russia

Mobile advertising Megafon

point setting
targeting parameters
per audience

4,90 ₽

the cost of the message
with a software filter
one target


contract with us
gives access to advertising
immediately at 2's
telecom operators
Mobile advertising is a service for distributing information and / or advertising materials of your company via SMS messages.

Using "Mobile Advertising", you can always quickly and effectively tell your customers about new products, services or special offers.

Use the service "Mobile advertising" and you will be able to conduct communication aimed directly at your target audience, and within the geography that you need.

Advantages of mobile advertising

Standard Media Channels - TV, Radio, Printed products, Outdoor advertising and the Internet-provide advertisers with a finite number of advertising opportunities, while how mobile advertising works:

SMS advertising rates

The volume of the advertising mailing list
(number of segments) 1
SMS messages
according to the Operator's database,
price with VAT 2

5 000 - 100 0004,80 rub.

100 001 - 500 0004,65 rub.

500 001 - 1 000 0004,50 rub.

1 000 001 - 10 000 0004,40 rub.

1 Depending on the chosen targeting, the price changes. For a detailed calculation, please contact your company manager.
2 The price is for the 1 segment of SMS messages. The SMS message segment includes the number of characters, including spaces and punctuation marks.

The total length of SMS messages is calculated based on the number of segments that make up it.

1 segment = up to 70 characters;
2 segment = up to 134 characters;
3 segment = up to 201 characters;
4 segment = up to 268 characters;

The cost of one MMS message - 4,50 rubles.

The cost of an individual sender's name is 2500 rubles per month..

Cost of targets

TargetTarget cost

Geo targeting by subjects of the Russian Federation (region, region), by city0,30 rub.

Geo targeting by addresses0,60 rub.

Consent0,10 rub.

Age0,10 rub.

Paul0,10 rub.

Operating System \ Vendor0,20 rub.

Roaming 10,30 rub.

Interests (by category) 20,60 rub.

Income 30,60 rub.

Interests on the Internet0,60 rub.

Event targeting 42,50 rub.

1  - «Arrived in the country " - will receive messages to those who have just arrived in the country;
   - "Arrived or is in the country" - everyone who is currently in the country or has just arrived will receive messages;
   - "Visited the country" - previously visited the specified country.
2 Journeys, sport, career, realty, medicine and health, communications and the Internet, entertainment and hobbies, business, computers and Software, home and family, social activities, services, finance, insurance, cars.
3  - Below average – not enough money even for food;
   - Average-enough money for food and clothing. Buying large household appliances (TV, washing machine) is difficult;
   - Above average-there is enough money for large household appliances, but there is no possibility to buy a new car;
   - High – buy durable things is not a problem, but it is difficult to buy an apartment or cottage;
   - Premium-material difficulties are not experienced. If necessary, they can buy a cottage or apartment.
4 A sample of subscribers, which can be formed based on the data:
  - Receiving SMS messages on behalf of senders;
  - Outgoing calls;
  - Incoming calls.


Advertising is prohibited:
  • pyramid schemes;
  • forgery of documents (licenses, certificates, diplomas);
  • sexual services (erotic massage, phone sex, escort services);
  • adult Sites (18+);
  • propaganda of violence;
  • narcotic drugs, prohibited substances;
  • weapons and ammunition;
  • gambling games (casinos, sweepstakes, slot machines, playing for money);
  • actions related to the purchase and / or sale of orders and medals;
  • intimate goods;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • tobacco products;
  • payment Systems;
  • payment services of operators;
  • electronic Money.

Mailing list preparation period

4-8 working days.

Start advertising

To start an advertising campaign, you need to register in our service and send an email request. -