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8 (800) 700 7672
Free in Russia

MTS mobile advertising

a loyal audience


ready-made filter sets
for targeting
to the audience

5,30 ₽

one targeted
MTS mobile advertising is an SMS mailing to subscribers of the MTS operator who have agreed to receive advertising mailings. A modern and effective way to place your ads in a variety of formats adapted to different mobile devices.

Mobile advertising of MTS is:

Types of targeting

  1. Smart Socio-demographic data (gender, age), the amount of the subscriber's expenses (ARPU up to 500 rubles), geotargeting (to the city).
  2. Life All targeting from the "Smart" package", Phone operating system, phone model, ARPU (any). Choose from: geolocation (offline, online) or segments based on interests (standard).
  3. Life + All targeting from the "Life" package, geolocation (offline, online) and segments by interests (standard).
  4. Big Data All targeting from the "Life +" package, behavioral targeting (calls, websites, SMS), targeting by interests, customized Big Data segments.

SMS advertising rates

Cost for the first segment1 messages
(70 cyrillic characters)2, rub. with VAT

"Smart""Life""Life +""Big Data"

5,30 rub.6,00 rub.6,85 rub.11,50 rub.

1 Additional margin for each subsequent segment of the message - 4.30 rub.
2 The maximum number of characters in 2 segments is 134, in 3 - 201, in 4-x - 268.


Advertising is prohibited:

Mailing list preparation period

4-8 working days.

Start advertising

To start an advertising campaign, you need to register in our service and create an advertising newsletter in your personal account under "Send" → "Advertising mailing lists».

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