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Changing the working conditions for the Megafon operator (Russia)


The information on this page is no longer relevant, the connection to the Megafon operator is carried out according to a simplified scheme with payment through our service.

Due to the upcoming entry into force of amendments to the Law" On Communications " of the Russian Federation No. 272-FZ of July 21, 2014, from October 10, 2014, the operatorMegafon (Russia) the first to introduce new working conditions for the SMS mailing service. Now all customers need to enter into a direct contract with the operator and pay for its tariffs according to the traffic volume generated during the month.

Our service will act as an agent of the operator and customers for connection and maintenance, sending messages will be possible through our service in the usual mode for those customers with whom a contract for connection to the operator will be signed. Therefore, for smooth operation, all customers must provide accurate details, conclude an agreement with our company and the operator before the specified date. All organizational issues and the conclusion of contracts with the operator will be carried out through our service and support service.

Instructions for entering into a contract with our company and the operator are available at the link.

The funds for SMS messages via the direct channel of the Megafon operator will be debited on the client's personal account in the operator's billing system, from which an invoice for payment for each client will be provided.

In addition, all customers need to set the sender's name (Sender ID) in the settings of our service for the Megafon operator. Only this name will be registered and allowed to be sent. To do this, enable the option "Register a name with the Megafon operator" in the sender's name settings. All other names will not be passed. Customers who use a larger number of names must choose the main one, divide the names into several companies, or, in agreement with the operator, register additional names through our support service at a rate of 1000 rubles per month for 1 names.

All letter names of the senders must correspond to the name, trademark, or website of the client's company. You will not be able to register common abstract names, for example, INFO.

All customers who have signed a contract with our company earlier will be registered with the operator first, sending messages to such customers will not stop, and an additional contract with the operator will be concluded in the process.

Individuals are not allowed to service under the new rules.

Customers who do not provide banking details and do not sign the necessary documents will not be able to send messages via the direct channel of the Megafon operator from October 1.

Updated price list of the operator:

This information is available on the operator's website at the link

Since all companies will now pay for services to the operator only according to their monthly traffic, our and other SMS services will no longer be able to provide lower prices than those set by the Megafon operator, so we recommend that all customers register their company with the operator and continue working through our service, as the most stable, to maintain the quality of SMS delivery. Our service has been focused primarily on quality and reliable operation for more than 10 years, so we are ready to continue to serve customers under the new conditions of the operator.

Information for partners, resellers (aggregators)

Reseller customers who serve other customers, in order to continue using our service for the Megafon operator, it is necessary to provide their customers' details for concluding an agreement with the operator, the letter names of the senders for each client by October 10.

Customers pay the operator independently at the end of the month, and for each SMS message sent, the operator will transfer us the agency commission, which we will transfer to the partner.

Since now favorable conditions are created to attract customers only by the quality of service, and not by prices, as it was before, the stability of message delivery will play a big role, so resellers need to choose a reliable partner.

Other Russian operators may also introduce new working conditions similar to the Megafon operator in the near future. Information about such changes will be posted on our website and sent to the e-mail newsletter.

Added 02.10.2014:

Additional connection information

We inform you of the updated data on connecting to the Megafon operator».

We have prepared detailed instructions for connecting to the operator on this page.

Now everyone needs to provide electronic copies of documents for their company as a matter of urgency and after connecting, transfer the originals to the operator through our company. You must also specify the letter names of the senders for the Megafon operator. For many accounts, we have already made an automatic selection of names, so you just need to check it and correct it. In the senders ' settings in the personal account, the option to register a name with the operator has appeared:

To speed up the connection, we ask all customers to check and register the exact details in the settings of their personal account according to the format specified there, be sure to enter the address, current account, INN, BIC of the bank, full name and position of the director:

You also need to upload scans of the documents required for the operator on the page "Contracts and documents»:

Customers that we do not have time to connect before 10 October due to the lack of necessary details and scans or due to operator delays will be able to temporarily send messages on our common name INFORM at the rate of 0.80 rubles .for 1 SMS-message. Advertising mailings in this case will be limited. The funds for using our common name will be debited from the account in your personal account, and after connecting to the operator − from the account in its billing at the individual rates specified in the news.

Resellers and aggregators are required to collect from its customers the required documents and the names of the senders for the specified user and send us an e-mail to to register personal accounts of the operator for each client. Our company will take part of the Commission for communications operator MegaFon for our partners. Information for your customers is guaranteed to be protected from sales employees of our company and all the documents you need to sign clients, a direct mention of our service and company, no registration will occur directly with the operator.

We also inform you that since October, the cheap channels of regional operators, through which messages from phone numbers are sent, are closed, so we recommend that everyone who has so far used such channels switch to direct connections of operators at the new tariffs with sending from letter names, in connection with which it is also necessary to conclude a contract with the operator Megafon.

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