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Changing the tariffs for sending SMS messages to the Tele2 operator's network (Russia)


We inform you about the next change from 01.12.2015 of the working conditions and tariffs for sending SMS messages to the operator's networkTele2. This operator changes the tariff for sending messages from paid sender names from the specified date.

Similarly to other operators, billing for SMS messages from registered paid senders ' names will be based on the number of messages sent for each client (name) separately. Up to 5 names can be registered for a single end client. The operator will register the names only according to the letter of guarantee, which can be downloaded from this link.

The subscription fee for registering one sender's name will remain unchanged (1 000 RUB. per month). Sending messages from common names such as INFORM or TAXI will not be available, as the operator prohibits the aggregation of traffic under a single name.

Detailed rates are listed on the website on the pagePricing plans.

All customers need to determine the tariff at which they plan to work on the Tele2 operator and include the necessary names for paid registration. You can do this in your personal account in the menuSettings, itemNames of senders (Sender ID). Messages for free names will be sent at a higher rate.

The tariff with paid names becomes more profitable from about 5 000 SMS per month, so we recommend registering names from which you plan to send more than the specified number of messages per month.

Names for registration by the operator will be accepted until the 13 day of each month. Letters of guarantee this month will be accepted until 20, and in the following months-until 13. All those who have already included the names in the past and current month must send letters of guarantee before the specified deadline, otherwise the names will be removed from registration from December 1, and the increased tariff will be used.

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