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Changes in working conditions and tariffs for sending SMS messages to the Megafon operator's network (Russia)


Since the Megafon operator did not have time to check and register templates in its system, the billing of all SMS messages on paid sender names in January will be carried out at an increased rate, as for advertising messages. After registration, the operator promises to recalculate for January, then all messages sent using the registered templates will be recalculated in our service at a reduced rate. But since not all templates can be allowed by the operator, it is necessary to take into account that for some messages recalculation will not occur. We apologize for any inconvenience.

We inform you about the next change from 01.01.2016 of the working conditions and tariffs for sending SMS messages to the Megafon operator's network. Starting from the specified date, this operator introduces the concept of service messages and a separate reduced tariff for sending such messages from paid sender names, while the tariff for sending other messages that will not be registered as service messages and for messages with free sender names is increased..

Service messages are registered with the operator according to the rules specified below. All clients need to determine the type of their messages, and if they meet the operator's requirements, create templates and submit them for registration. This can be done in your personal account in the Settings menu, under Sender Names (Sender ID). On the specified page, in the line with each sender's name, which is registered with the Megafon operator on a paid basis, the link "Templates" is available.

Unregistered SMS messages or those that do not correspond to the service ones will be considered advertising messages and charged at the higher rates of the operator.

The subscription fee for registering one sender name will remain unchanged (1 000 rub. per month).

Detailed tariffs are listed on the website on the Tariffs and Tariffs page of the Megafon operator.

Templates for registration from the operator for January will be accepted until 14.12.2015 g.

Megafon operator's memo on collecting Service message templates as part of the "Mobile Information" service

Service SMS messages are messages related to the operations of providing/rendering the Service/Customer services that are part of the Service/Services of the Client and informing the User about events and/or operations within the framework of this Service/Services.

1. Criteria for designation of templates as service ones:

A message is considered to be a service one if it informs a subscriber of the status of Client Service.

Under the status of Service we understand:
  • Welcome message upon registration for the service;
  • Informing a user of events affecting the terms of service (change in financial terms of service, for example, an increase in a subscribtion fee);
  • Informing of the change in payment details, address or contact details of a Client;
  • Additional user identification by phone number (a code is sent to a phone number. This code is used then for user identification, for example, for password setting/change);
  • Order /purchase confirmation;
  • Delivery/return/exchange of goods status;
  • Reminding about a scheduled event within the provision of the service (for example, about an arranged visit);
  • Informing about maintenance works/warning on suspension/resumption of work of the services;
  • Notification of logging in/logging out/ login attempts to the Client self-service.

The templates are not considered to be service ones if they contain:
  • The templates that do not explicitly inform of an accomplised operation of one of the types mentioned above.
  • The service templates, supplemented with some advertisment (even of a client's services);
  • The drive to make a purchase or order a service;
  • Information aimed at increasing loyalty (holiday greetings, an offer to evaluate the work of employees/office, etc.).
Templates for service SMSes contain the elements of autosubstitution. Autosubstitution is a variable that can take on any value.

2. Description of variables in autosubstitution:
  • %w – any continuous set of letters, numbers, and / or special characters;
  • %d – any continuous set of digits and / or special characters;
  • %w+ is a sequence of words (consisting of letters, numbers, or special characters described below) separated by a space (or several spaces);
  • %w{1,n} is a limited sequence of words (consisting of letters, numbers, or special characters described below) separated by a space (or several spaces), where n is the number of words (words must be at least 1 and no more than n);
  • %d+ is a sequence of numbers (consisting of digits or special characters described below) separated by a space (or several spaces);
  • %d{1,n} is a limited sequence of numbers (consisting of digits or special characters described below) separated by a space (or several spaces), where n is the number of numbers (numbers must be at least 1 and no more than n).
* the value of n should be no more than 10

A set of letters or numbers %d and %w may contain punctuation marks and special characters: ! No. # % . , : ; ? \ / ( ) + - “ ”? _ ' " ` ^ ? { } [ ] < > / \ | ! @ # $ % ^ ( ) + = ~ *

3. Requirements for the templates:
  • A template must be written accurately according to the rules of application of variables in a template;
  • The template accuracy is entirely the responsibility of a client;
  • Do not use the %w+ operand at the end of the template – this will cause moderator questions.;
  • It is not necessary to combine everything in a row in the group operands %w+, %d+, %w{1,n}, %d{1,n};
  • On the other hand it is not necessary to form the construct of %d. %w+%d Amount %w+%d%w+%d%w+%d%w where you can get one\two operands;
  • A simple rule: the more readable a template is for a person, the fewer questions it raises when it is approved;
  • You should avoid the duplication of templates, except for the cases when a template is used with several sender ID.
4. Illustrative examples of templates with autosubstitution:

The text of an SMS:
Order: PR-0184942 for the amount of 5500 rubles was successfully accepted. Expected delivery time: 19.11.15 in the interval 15:00-20:00. Your Online PR Store.

An SMS template:
Order: %w for the amount of %d rubles was successfully accepted. Expected delivery time: %d in the %d interval. Your Online PR Store.

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