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Changes in working conditions and tariffs for sending SMS messages to Belarus


We inform you about the change in the working conditions and tariffs for sending SMS messages to the subscribers of the operators from 28.03.2018Belarus.

From the specified date, all Belarusian operators will introduce a division of traffic into national and international. The division will be based on the sender's name type. Sending SMS messages from names that operators register as national will be charged at a lower rate. The remaining registered names will be considered international, and SMS messages sent from such names will cost more.

Registration of new names for customers with national traffic will be carried out within a week, with international traffic-within 2-3 weeks.

To register the sender's name, you must fill out a special form and send a request to e-mail The ability to send SMS messages to subscribers of a particular operator will appear only after the name is registered by this operator.

The new rates are listed on the pagePricing plans.

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