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International names for Wave Mobile (CPC Telecom)

Here are the international names of senders for the operator Wave Mobile (CPC Telecom), sending SMS messages from which is charged at a higher rate. This list can be updated when adding new names by the operator.

  4. 24option
  6. 4game
  7. 5asec
  8. 770capital
  9. 770invest
  10. 8xtrade
  11. ;bilderling
  12. ;colesfs
  13. ;finansymd
  14. ;
  15. ;paytoplay
  16. ;siapayment
  17. ;
  18. a-100dev
  19. abbott
  20. abbott_inc
  21. ablo
  22. ablvbank
  23. academyplus
  24. acbabank
  25. acb_inc
  26. acca
  27. accessbank
  28. acciona
  29. accountkit
  30. accuindex
  31. acer_store
  33. ad-ast
  34. ad-sh
  36. addisonlee
  37. adib
  38. adilisik
  39. adleads
  40. adobe
  41. adriaticbnk
  42. advanzia
  43. advcash
  44. aegbt
  45. aegean
  46. aeromexico
  47. aestron
  48. agent511
  49. agility
  50. agoda
  51. ahlanchat
  52. ahlibank
  53. ainewsb2b
  54. airasia
  55. airasiaph
  56. airastana
  57. airbaltic
  58. airbnb
  59. airfrance
  60. airind
  61. airniugini
  62. airospot
  63. airserbia
  64. airtripp
  65. aitu
  66. aitube
  67. aitupass
  68. akbank
  69. akkadpcs
  70. aktifbank
  71. aladdinmc
  72. alandsbank
  73. albaraka
  74. alcatel
  75. alcsms
  76. alfacashier
  77. alfaparcel
  78. alfawz
  79. alfursan
  80. algos
  81. alibaba
  82. alibsms
  83. aliexpress
  84. alight
  85. alin
  86. alipay
  87. alisms
  88. alitalia
  90. allbiz
  91. allcon
  92. allegro
  93. allergan
  94. alpari
  95. alpariforex
  96. alparitotal
  97. altbank
  98. altblj
  99. altpay
  100. altrntfbank
  101. altyn-i
  102. alvexo
  103. amadeuscis
  104. amazon
  105. ambershark
  106. amd
  107. amerant
  108. amixr
  109. amplespot
  110. amway2
  111. amzn
  112. amzstar
  113. anadolujet
  114. anainfo
  115. anghami
  116. anidia
  117. ankama
  118. anvil
  119. any-timeby
  120. anytalk
  121. anz-nz
  122. aol
  123. apifonica
  124. apmaster
  125. apowersoft
  126. appcode
  127. appfolio
  128. apple
  129. applecare
  130. appleicloud
  131. applestore
  132. applovin
  133. appsms
  134. appsvc
  135. appv
  136. appvn
  137. aprangavip
  138. apservice
  140. arabbank
  141. aramex
  142. arenanet
  143. ariston
  144. artstation
  145. asfg
  146. asos
  147. assutacompl
  148. assutatop
  149. astcom
  150. astntc
  151. astrill
  152. astrobank
  153. astropay
  154. astsms
  155. asyadexprs
  156. atainsights
  157. atfbank
  158. athoc
  159. atlasbanka
  160. atlascopco
  161. autenti
  162. authmsg
  163. authy
  164. autodesk
  166. aware
  167. aximetria
  168. axisbank
  169. axisbk
  170. axor
  171. ayapay
  172. ayoba
  173. ayro
  174. azericard
  175. azimo
  176. azureicm
  177. baanan
  178. babyplanet
  179. babyshop
  180. backblaze
  181. badoo
  183. badura
  184. baidu
  185. baiducloud
  186. baiduri
  187. balakuzet
  188. baltikair
  189. baltintbank
  190. baltplay
  191. bancamps
  192. bancapsa
  193. bandus
  194. banggood
  195. bangkokair
  196. bankable
  197. bankalfalah
  198. bankbee
  199. banketihad
  200. bankkg
  201. bankmed
  202. bankpekaosa
  203. bankrbk
  204. banquebemo
  205. banuba
  206. barclays
  207. bayanquran
  209. bbac
  210. bbinsurance
  211. bbva
  212. bbvades
  213. bdinfo
  214. beboo
  215. becier
  216. beetalk
  217. belam
  218. belbazar24
  219. belexpress
  220. belgazpromb
  221. beline
  222. belivesg
  223. bellavka
  224. bellbimbo
  225. belliata
  226. belmont
  228. bemobank
  229. benear
  230. benxco
  232. bestsvc
  233. betfair
  234. betmaster
  235. betwinner
  236. bfi
  237. bib
  238. bibox
  239. bicipalma
  240. bickbot
  241. bics
  242. bidx1
  243. bigo
  244. bigocloud
  245. bigolive
  246. bigotv
  247. bigzz
  248. bilgi
  249. bilibili
  250. binance
  251. bingoblitz
  252. binosrv
  253. biomedica
  254. bip
  255. bipsms
  256. biss
  258. bitaksi
  259. bitbay
  260. bitcom
  261. bitcon
  262. bitexbook
  263. bitfinex
  264. bitforex
  265. bithumb
  266. bitkub
  267. bitly
  268. bitrue
  269. bitsdaq
  270. bitwalking
  271. bitz
  272. biugo
  273. bizonex
  274. bizsolution
  275. bjguodu
  276. blablacar
  277. blablatel
  278. blachomania
  279. blackcat
  280. blacklane
  281. blaster
  282. blendr
  283. blibli
  284. blizzard
  285. blockchain
  286. blockium
  287. bloomberg
  288. bloomiesdxb
  289. bluelink
  290. bluemail
  291. bluemedia
  292. blv
  294. bmosms
  295. bmotst
  297. bnpparibas
  298. boboo
  299. bobrewards
  300. bocmessage
  301. boehringer
  302. bofin
  303. bolt
  304. bondevalue
  305. bookaway
  306. bookimed
  307. booking
  309. booking_com
  310. bookitnet
  311. bookmate
  312. boomerang3
  313. boomoji
  314. boompay
  315. boomplay
  316. boomsing
  317. boomware
  318. boonplanet
  319. boqcards
  320. boquat
  321. boracariri
  322. boriscooper
  323. botims
  324. botsvc
  325. bottega
  326. bottegav
  327. bpce
  328. bpremit
  329. brainloop
  330. brandwifikz
  331. bri-notif
  332. bricepay
  333. bristolcorp
  334. brokersshow
  335. brokersview
  336. brooksremit
  337. bsf-anek
  338. bsg
  339. bsteam
  340. btcdirect
  342. bubbletone
  343. buffer
  344. bukalapak
  345. bulex
  346. bumble
  347. bunasta
  348. bunddler
  349. burganbank
  350. burgerking
  351. bussystem
  353. buyex
  354. bwi-ad
  355. bwin
  357. bwverify
  358. byblosbank
  359. byjus
  360. bytedance
  361. byteplus
  362. cab
  364. cabcall
  365. cabify
  366. caclub
  367. caesars
  368. cagricole
  369. cainiao
  370. caixabank
  371. calzedonia
  372. camscanner
  373. camtv
  374. canadavisa
  375. canbnk
  376. cannorth
  377. capitalprof
  378. cardpay
  380. careem
  381. careyuk
  384. cargogeo
  385. cargolineby
  387. carrentals
  388. carruba
  389. cartus
  390. caser
  391. cashapp
  392. cashpro
  393. cat
  394. catchapp
  395. cbssbi
  396. cbtalk
  397. cchat
  398. cc_ajman
  399. cc_deira
  400. cc_mirdif
  401. cc_sharjah
  402. cdbbank
  403. celonis
  404. censornet
  405. centizu
  406. centrify
  407. cenyt
  409. cex_io
  410. chakchakkg
  411. chalo
  412. chamet
  413. chanel
  414. chappy
  415. chargex
  416. chaton
  417. chatsup
  418. cheapsms
  419. checkpoint
  420. checkyou
  421. chigap
  422. cialwi
  423. ciklumbel
  424. cimmobility
  425. cim_dsv
  426. circleit
  427. circlek
  428. cisco
  429. citi
  430. citiauuat
  431. citibankau
  432. citibankbh
  433. citibankhk
  434. citibanksg
  435. citibankuae
  436. citibk
  437. citiph
  438. citi_ph
  439. citrix
  440. citybee
  441. citycntrbah
  442. citygas
  443. cityhost
  444. cityrefund
  445. citytok
  446. civinity
  447. cjcampus
  448. classerium
  449. classtrucks
  450. clickadu
  451. clicknboat
  452. clickpay24
  453. clicksend
  454. clinerion
  455. clipclaps
  456. cloopen
  457. cloudhq
  458. cloudifi
  459. cloudotp
  460. cloudpay
  461. clrtrp
  462. clubbingdxb
  463. clubhouse
  464. clubmed
  465. clypcl
  466. cme
  467. cmed
  468. cmlink
  469. cnet
  470. cninfo
  471. coca-cola
  472. code2
  473. coder
  475. coffeepik
  476. coimsg
  477. coinbase
  478. coinbene
  479. coincola
  480. coindeal
  481. coinex
  482. coinfide
  483. coinpgr
  484. coinsbank
  485. coinsup
  486. coinsuper
  487. coinut
  488. colesfsuat
  489. colliers
  490. colorline
  491. colu
  492. combankkg
  493. comfi
  494. commchat
  495. complitech
  496. com_bankkg
  497. confide
  498. conksms
  499. connectclub
  500. connectmice
  501. connectpay
  502. connectum
  503. consultacia
  504. contomobile
  505. coopbank
  506. coopibank
  507. coople
  508. corner
  509. cornercard
  510. cpay
  511. cpod
  512. cqurbank
  513. crcam
  514. crip2card
  515. cropio
  517. cryptocom
  518. cryptonator
  519. cryptopay
  520. csdirect
  521. csdirectuat
  522. ctbcbank
  523. cubetv
  524. cubix
  525. cvsarkar
  526. cyberapps
  527. cyberark
  528. cykiq
  529. cypruspost
  530. cyta
  531. czechtoll
  532. dacia
  533. dafi
  534. dahmakan
  535. damac
  536. damadam
  537. danskebank
  538. danskmetal
  539. daraz
  540. dataflow
  541. datinglab
  542. daum
  543. dbsbank
  545. dddenizbank
  547. dealy
  548. declarantlv
  549. decta
  550. dell
  551. deloitte
  552. demibaby
  553. demirbank
  554. demivolt
  555. dentee
  556. dergilik
  557. desertops
  558. destream
  559. devur
  560. dfinsols
  561. dha
  562. dhl
  563. dhlexpress
  564. dhllatvia
  565. dibsms
  566. didi
  567. didi-ad
  568. digicol
  569. digitalams
  570. digitop
  571. diglocean
  572. dinersauuat
  573. dinersintau
  574. dingtone
  576. discaller
  577. discord
  578. dji
  579. dmarket
  580. dobovo
  581. docsfera
  582. docusign
  583. dogovor24
  584. dollardex
  585. doruknet
  586. dotdigital
  587. dotmailer
  588. dowmarkets
  589. doyyit
  590. dpdlietuva
  591. dprinfo
  592. drivania
  593. drjoydental
  594. dropbox
  595. dskbank
  596. dsv
  597. dsx
  598. dubaire
  599. dukascopy
  601. dvago
  602. dyot
  603. dzinga
  605. e-pokupki
  606. e-wings
  607. e100
  608. ea
  609. easypay
  610. ebay
  611. ebayebay
  612. ebookers
  613. ecabs
  614. ecb
  615. ecobank
  616. ecolines
  617. ecommbx
  619. edreams
  620. edzskytoll
  622. efun
  623. egamings
  624. electrolux
  625. electroneum
  626. elisa
  627. elkor
  628. emaar
  629. emerald24
  630. emirates
  631. encounter
  632. endesa
  633. energiaxxi
  634. enett
  635. englishdom
  636. enguru
  637. enjaz
  638. enkibyte
  639. enpal
  640. entrust
  642. eobot
  643. epa
  644. eparaksts
  645. epartner
  646. epayments
  647. epayprouk
  648. epayservice
  649. epicgames
  650. epicnpc
  651. epistar
  652. equitigroup
  653. equitybank
  654. ericsson
  655. esendex
  656. esentaimall
  658. essayshark
  659. estchange
  660. esteria
  661. esteriainfo
  662. etaximo
  663. etihad
  664. etihadair
  665. etisalat
  666. etnomedia
  667. etoro
  668. eubank
  669. eurasia36kz
  670. eurobank
  671. eurobankcy
  672. eventer
  673. eventguide
  674. evernote
  675. ever_pharma
  676. evisas
  677. exante
  679. excoin
  680. exmo
  681. exness
  682. exostar
  684. expertbayer
  685. expirenza
  686. expressapp
  687. expressk
  688. expresspay
  689. extranet
  690. ezail
  691. ezcheckme
  692. ezviz
  693. f2pool
  694. faceapp
  695. facebook
  696. faceit
  697. faceter
  698. fact24cim
  699. falconeri
  700. fallalert
  701. fannbox
  702. farfetch
  703. fastapp
  704. fastbull
  705. fastweb
  706. fawri
  707. fayrix
  708. fayvo
  709. fazzaco
  710. fb_verify
  711. fclub
  712. fedbnk
  713. fedex
  714. feelqueen
  715. feishu
  716. fella
  717. feniciabank
  718. fenige
  719. ffilippi
  720. ffinsurance
  722. fibank
  723. fibit
  724. fibler
  725. fiesta
  726. fifa
  727. fifagames
  728. fincofex
  729. findo
  730. finductive
  731. finejas
  732. finktext
  733. finolita
  734. finteno
  735. firebase
  736. firepush
  737. fitbit
  738. fiverr
  739. fizy
  740. flashat
  741. flippa
  742. flyarystan
  743. flymama
  744. flypgs
  745. flysms
  747. fml
  748. focisix
  750. foodpanda
  751. foodrunner
  752. forex4you
  753. forexby
  754. forexchat
  755. forexclub
  756. forexway
  757. formula1
  758. fourseasons
  759. francegouv
  760. fransabank
  761. fredperry
  763. freeje
  764. frh
  765. friendium
  766. frisbeeinc
  767. funplusmeme
  768. funtome
  769. furcaravan
  770. fxblue
  771. fxcash
  772. fxcommunity
  773. fxtm
  774. g2a
  776. g2azabbix
  777. g2a_e
  778. g42
  779. galanteya
  780. gameadx
  781. gameflip
  782. gamefxs
  783. garanti
  784. garantibbva
  785. gatehub
  786. gateio
  787. gcs
  789. geldibil
  790. gelvora
  791. gelvoraserg
  792. gem4me
  793. geopoll
  794. geozilla
  795. gerchikco
  796. gerlionti
  797. getcontact
  798. gett
  799. gfk
  801. giordanomm
  802. girteka
  803. gitbook
  804. github
  807. glfin
  808. glide
  809. globalblue
  810. globalivy
  811. global_menu
  812. globitex
  814. glovent
  815. glovo
  816. glowdawn
  817. glympse
  818. gmstest
  819. go4yu
  820. gochat
  821. godaddy
  822. goldcoach
  823. golfclash
  824. goodmorn
  825. goodsync
  826. google
  827. googleads
  828. googlevrfy
  829. gorbalstudy
  830. gosms
  831. gostudy
  832. gotrack
  833. govgateway
  834. gozopro
  835. grab
  836. grabr
  837. grabrinc
  838. grailed
  839. graphie
  840. gratapay
  841. grindr
  842. groupepsa
  843. groupme
  844. gsol
  845. gtmall
  846. gtvgroup
  847. guardianx
  848. guess
  849. gulfair
  850. gurtam
  851. guts
  852. gutstickets
  853. gvcmsg
  854. gvcsms
  855. gwm
  856. gxpgames
  857. hackerone
  858. hago
  859. haiereurope
  860. hanatravel
  861. handzap
  862. hapstore
  863. harbor
  864. hase
  865. hatstore
  866. hbtf
  867. hcloud
  868. hdfcbk
  869. hedera
  870. heel
  871. helabet
  872. hellenicbk
  873. hellenic_bk
  875. hellopal
  876. helloy
  877. helloyo
  878. henkel
  879. hepsicebnde
  880. herbalife
  881. hertz
  882. heysky
  883. heytap
  884. hhkz
  885. highflyer
  886. highp
  887. hikvision
  888. hiqo
  889. hitachi
  890. hiu
  891. hk-alarm
  892. hkia
  894. hnb
  895. hn_tailor
  896. hodly
  897. homestay
  898. honor
  899. hotornot
  900. hotpoint
  901. hprussia
  902. hr-bot
  903. hr-on
  904. hsbc
  905. hsbcau
  906. hsbc_ltd
  907. hsl
  908. huawei
  909. huaweistore
  910. huggle
  911. huionepay
  912. humo
  913. huobi
  914. hwcloud
  915. h_p
  916. iatsms
  917. iban4u
  918. ibicapital
  919. ibkr
  920. iblbank
  921. ichilovcomp
  922. ichilovtop
  923. icloud
  924. icmetricacy
  925. id.xauth
  926. id.xsign
  927. ielts
  928. iherb
  929. iherbalerts
  930. iherbpromos
  931. ikea
  932. imaninvest
  933. imo
  935. imoapp
  936. imocode
  937. incomlend
  938. incorease
  939. incruises
  940. indesit
  941. indigo24
  942. indriver
  943. industra
  944. infobankcrp
  945. infobot
  946. infocode
  947. infosvc
  948. innovalc
  949. innovati
  950. instagram
  951. integrapay
  952. intercom
  953. interfly
  954. intimissimi
  955. intlsos
  956. intosrv
  957. invcoin24
  958. iost
  959. ipbcitibank
  960. ipbcitisg
  961. ipsos
  962. ipsosicp
  963. iqiyi
  964. iqoption
  965. irotradex
  966. italert
  968. jablotron
  969. jal
  970. jasminkaby
  971. jb_project
  973. jet
  974. jibercs
  975. jongla
  976. joompay
  977. joompro
  978. jouz
  979. joys
  980. jubee
  981. jusanbank
  982. jusanmobile
  983. just2trade
  984. jysk
  985. kaizala
  986. kakao
  987. kakaoc
  988. kakaotalk
  989. kaleyra
  990. kantar
  993. kazzinc
  994. kfhbahrain
  995. kiaconnect
  996. kikilikee
  997. kimilive
  998. kiwicom
  999. klasjet
  1000. kompanionkg
  1001. kopikot
  1002. kormo
  1003. krisflyer
  1004. krisshop
  1005. kudizmo
  1006. kwai
  1007. kyani
  1008. kyoo
  1009. lancktele
  1010. laprairie
  1011. lark
  1012. latoken
  1013. lazada
  1014. leeco
  1015. lenovo
  1016. leon
  1017. leonbets
  1018. leree
  1019. letyshops
  1020. lexatrade
  1021. lgelectrinc
  1022. lidlplus
  1023. likee
  1024. likelc
  1025. limefx
  1026. linkapp
  1027. linkedin
  1028. listrentals
  1029. liteforex
  1030. liujo
  1031. liveme
  1032. lnsint
  1033. logingov
  1034. logmein
  1035. lolaflora
  1036. lompakko
  1037. loyaltyapp
  1038. lsuite
  1039. lufthansa
  1040. luminor
  1041. luxonpay
  1042. madeleine
  1043. mainsvc
  1044. maintxt
  1045. majorcore
  1046. mangolive
  1047. manobank
  1048. marathonbet
  1049. marinehealt
  1051. marrow
  1052. mashreq
  1053. mashreqbank
  1054. matrixport
  1055. matrx
  1056. maxicapital
  1057. maximarkets
  1058. maxitrade
  1059. mbcode
  1060. mbet
  1061. mcconcierge
  1062. mcrsft
  1065. meetme
  1066. megaapps
  1067. megachat
  1068. megogo
  1069. meitu
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